My New (and Perchance Yours?) Hidey Hole ;)

Yes, I know. It’s been a while. Where have I been after Crossroads Classic 5? At first, hanging around the Legacy X-Wing Discord. There were some good times and good games to be had there, with leagues of respectable attendance. I even took screenshots from my games so I could make blogposts out of them.Continue reading “My New (and Perchance Yours?) Hidey Hole ;)”

Going Out with an [Electro-Proton] Bang

I’m sure that most of us were expecting the TIE/SE to be good when it was first previewed, so long as it wasn’t prohibitively costed, of course. There was ample precedent for its strengths strewn across other craft and effects in the game. Moff Jerjerrod demonstrated the potential that a System Phase boost could haveContinue reading “Going Out with an [Electro-Proton] Bang”

A Sampling of Lists

Granular listbuilding is fun! There are enough upgrades, slots, and pilots such that the ability to curate a squad particular to each player’s playstyle within the limits of a budget offers an endless sea of exploration, shockingly even when metas are allegedly solved. This in turn makes leagues focused on listbuilding challenges themselves engaging andContinue reading “A Sampling of Lists”

Letting Blackout Out of the Black Box

The tournament depicted happened a month ago and for nearly as long, this post was a draft with photos and notes from the games. A lot has happened in that month, and although none of it changes the perspective of these games, what had happened in that month deserves altering the introduction to this post.Continue reading “Letting Blackout Out of the Black Box”

The Future Content of this Blog

So where’s the content? The last post was regarding a tournament that ended late January, and here it is, almost March. I should have had more than enough incentive to post sooner since then, given winning a casual local 2.0 tournament, performing rather well at the last considerably-sized 2.25 tournament, and currently 2-1 in anContinue reading “The Future Content of this Blog”

So Who Moves First?

No development/announcement in the game of X-Wing in 2021 was nearly as cataclysmic as the announcement of ROAD. More correctly speaking, no development/announcement in X-Wing of 2021 was as chaotic and unappealing as the resulting discord by the community regarding the announcement of ROAD. Although I’m in favor of ROAD and can appreciate the reasonsContinue reading “So Who Moves First?”

Some Vader Tomfoolery, IDK

Quickbuilds are interesting. Due to each ship and pilot to have a quickbuild receiving only one un-errata’d quickbuild, the locked-in price and ability of each quickbuild tends to age horribly. On one hand, you have grossly overcosted IG-88 droids, perhaps operating on the expectations they set in first edition, and on the other hand youContinue reading “Some Vader Tomfoolery, IDK”

“Unfortunately, I was never one for delicate controls.”

When it comes to the ROAD controversy, I’m in favor of the upcoming change. I think aces should treat their initiative numbers similarly to a fault, often ignoring the plight that efficiency lists suffer under ROAD. Sure, my efficiency lists do well thanks to token tossing and coordinates as well as benefits to moving firstContinue reading ““Unfortunately, I was never one for delicate controls.””

A Good List Can Have a Bad Day

A list I have been enjoying recently consists of Kylo, Blackout, and Breach. With some form of System Phase shenaniganry across each ship, it’s quite adaptable to non-constant player order dynamics. This typically means ROAD/ROBD, as well as for the Alternating Player Order tournament I’m currently in, whose first round required pilots of a minimumContinue reading “A Good List Can Have a Bad Day”

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