Relic of a [Soon-to-Be] Bygone Era

The foreknowledge of the upcoming banlist, and thus the future elimination of Supernatural Reflexes by extension, is bittersweet. It’s an impossible card to balance, as it’s either overcosted (as in the case of most force users) or implemented as an elusive fortress/unshakeable damage machine (as in the case of Kylo and his Autothrusters). And evenContinue reading “Relic of a [Soon-to-Be] Bygone Era”

Buscando Héroes Partida 1: La Degradación del Comandante Intrépido

I know that I’ve mentioned how I’m not particularly down with tournaments occurring over a month or more as opposed to a day or two. It’s not just the fact that I enjoy a good tournament day and stringing all the games together, but match coordination outside a set tournament day can constitute its ownContinue reading “Buscando Héroes Partida 1: La Degradación del Comandante Intrépido”

Malicious Intent

There’s a lot to recently unpack within the First Order both figuratively and literally. As for costs, Epsilon Cadets went up 1 point, which limits certain options and eliminates the possibility of FOCHO. Rivas is back up to 28 points. Seinar-Jaemus Engineers (the I1 Silencer “Jim”s) went up to 50, likewise eliminating the archetype ofContinue reading “Malicious Intent”

ThE hUnTeR hAs BeCoMe ThE hUnTeReD

I’m not theming this post, even if it’s becoming more of a thing as of recent to do so within the X-Wing blogsphere. I don’t consider myself a hipster, especially since the X-Wing Hipster who inspired most X-Wing bloggers himself was the earliest themer of posts and my shoehorning of theme would be less frequentContinue reading “ThE hUnTeR hAs BeCoMe ThE hUnTeReD”

Spartans Never Die; They Go Missing in Action

I technically didn’t lie when I said I went on a break from online X-Wing play. I merely lied when I spoke about it as if it were longer than I had let on. I was initially planning to break from the game for at least a month outside of in-person play, but one weekContinue reading “Spartans Never Die; They Go Missing in Action”

All Hail our Supreme Leader!

Wait, why am I writing about someone else’s success? Because it’s something to celebrate! Not only has First Order uncharacteristically made a show of force at the Jedha Qualifier, with literally half of the 18 First Order lists making the cut, but Kylo Ren extraordinaire Andrew Durham had won the event! Not only is thisContinue reading “All Hail our Supreme Leader!”

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