Goodbye, Old Friend. May the Force Be With You

Upon the realization that Super Kylo + Vonreg had a floor as to how deep it could bid, I reasoned that in the still-developing meta that it wouldn’t have the best of chances for making cut in subsequent premier events. The bid war intensifies, and lists with multiple I6’s or I6’s that can afford to deal with Vonreg are populating events. 11-13 points of bid are what you’d expect from an aggressive 3 ship ace list, so if it gets outbid as a 2 ship list, things look like an uphill climb. And if a large part of your win condition in certain matchups is contingent on removing a high initiative threat before the endgame, but said threat is significantly tankier and damage-dealing than the piece employed to achieve that gamestate, that further increases the odds of being trapped in a difficult gamestate.

I wouldn’t doubt that the list would still be decent in the current meta, but given the still ongoing changes spurred on by the nerfing of the Nantex and the new releases, it’s no longer the magical outlier that can counter both the most meta archetype and the counters to said archetype. Even more matchup dependent than it was before, better alternatives exist. That having been said, and largely in part to that having been said, I decided to field the list for a tournament one more time, for Piffo of Starfighter Italia’s Christmas tournament on Tabletop Simulator.

Round 1: Schattenlicth (Germany)

Oof, exactly what I was talking about.

Jango Fett Firespray-class Patrol Craft (104)
Lone Wolf + Jamming Beam + Count Dooku + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes + Hull Upgrade
Zam Wesell Firespray-class Patrol Craft (95)
Jamming Beam + Palpatine/Sidious + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes

I’ve only played one game against double Separatist Firesprays with Kylo and Vonreg, and although it was certainly a well-played game on both our parts, I believe I was considerably lucky (+5) in winning it. Granted, if the dice are about average all around and I position well, I might stand a respectable chance, but that’s the very issue. The list I’m flying has, both conceptually and historically, rather good variance mitigation against Scum double Firesprays; you could literally roll nothing but green blanks and have mediocre reds and still be favored to win because Kylo can dance around Boba’s arcs for days. But since Jango has I6 on top of his boost and rear arc, Kylo will be defending, regardless the double digit bid. Hence, I must be careful, for I have drastically lost both my recent Ghostmode games where I took starting player to see how to deal with Boba moving after Supernatural Reflexes Kylo. Granted, there’s the option to block this I6 Boba not present in a Scum Slave 1 sporting Boba, but with only 2 ships and still punching in damage whilst dealing it, timely blocks are both risky and not all too rewarding.

So it looks as if Kylo is the target.

Given our setups, I’m hoping to bait Schattenlicht into a position where either Jango has only Range 3 tailgun shots on Kylo or Kylo and Jango can trade shots once a torpedo is armed and Zam is too far off. With my opening maneuvers, if Jango goes after Vonreg, then Kylo can handle Zam for a bit before disengaging. If Jango goes after Kylo, then Vonreg can hopefully close in on Jango and deal hefty damage to him. Furthermore, Jango pursuing Kylo would have to deal with the asteroid on my lower right part of the board, disrupting a pursuit and possibly helping Vonreg’s pestering. In either case, if Jango’s in the center of the board, that’s great news, as it can limit Zam’s options if she wants to cut in the middle, just as if she were Emon waiting for Boba to clear out of the scrum.

I forgot to take a screenshot the following turn, but it’s not difficult to envision what happens. Zam speeds down the board and boosts, hoping to catch Kylo. The TIE Silencer hugs the baseline and hopes to function as bait for Jango while not taking too much damage. Jango zigzags with a bank and a boost, a move that caught me by surprise. Yes, I knew he would pursue Kylo, but didn’t think that he’d forgo some extra distance and subsequent turn positioning with the zigzag instead of the speedier move and boost. But then it made sense, as Vonreg’s 3 bank would only catch Jango were I to boost in his arc. WIth only 4 hit points, I can’t afford that. And thus I hold back with him, only locking Jango to disable the False Transponder Codes.

To a great chagrin but no real surprise.

Jango’s first shot is barely a Range 2 to Kylo, with both Lone Wolf and Dooku available. Hoping for maximum damage, he correctly uses Dooku on the initial roll and calls crit. Unfortunately, a crit was already present, so he makes do with his roll and modifies it to 2 hits. Kylo blanks out, because why not, that’s why.

That’s unfortunate. I was hoping to take a shield at most and engineer a turn where shots can be traded with the Dark Side inflicted on top of whatever Vonreg Outmaneuvering has to offer. Now I’m in a spot where any traded shot between Kylo and Jango is almost certainly going to inflict critical damage, for if I hope for Range 3 with torpedoes the Firespray can just boost away, and if Range 2 or closer are available, an unfavorable engagement will happen instead. As such, I flee with Kylo and hope to position to maybe work something out next round. Voreng dodges Jango’s arc and focuses, using his position to lock Jango out of a hard 1 portside next turn. His arc misses Jango’s base, but it clips Zam. The focus token, after a moot Dooku blank call, generates 2 hits, but to rub a block of salt into the wound, Zam natties the 2 evades. Intriguingly, Schattenlicht declines taking the free lock upon the trigger from the “You’d better thank me” condition. I get that he wants to save it for a turn when it can double mod and inflict a jam, so I suppose my perplexation with the decision lies in my limited experience of fielding Zam’s ability thus far only on Bossk.

TIE Defender “never dial in your most powerful maneuver if it is even possible to be blocked” mentalities aren’t helping me here.

As counter-intuitive as it seems, I dialed in the turn for Vonreg. I’m expecting my opponent to call the 4-forward and repositions, which would see Zam blocking Vonreg so Jango can end him with the rear arc and a Thermal Detonator for the 4 damage needed. Because such an outcome means certain death and the escape outcome with the 4-forward looks so appealing, I’m fine with the possibility of Zam shooting Vonreg. Besides, regardless what Jango dials, executing the hard 1 would mean that Vonreg can reposition either out of arc or behind a gas cloud. That having been said, the 1 hard is a misplay as in most outcomes the 1 bank achieves what good the 1 hard offers, but it includes the added benefit of dodging Zam’s arc for small cost of a minor possibility of a meaningful Jango attack. As for Kylo, I perform a double reposition into a hard 2 and lock to guarantee an unobstructed torpedo shot on Jango.

Jango only generates a hit against Kylo at Range 3, but with no natural evades, the other force charge is spent. I can’t even choose to tank this shot and show Jango the Dark Side as a result of what happened 2 turns ago. This greatly weakens the damage capabilities of the torpedo, whose very unimpressive roll and lock deal only 1 shield of damage. Meanwhile, Zam and her focus generate 2 hits against Vonreg. I rolled back with a strain and evaded with Vonreg as I reasoned that the extra green die wasn’t going to be of much use in the slightest and I wanted an open dial the following turn. With the evade token, Vonreg loses a shield. With Zam’s condition being “You’d better mean business”, no bonus attacks are occurring this turn.

So much for an open dial.

Credit where credit is due, Schattenlicht’s game sense and blocking game are on point. The Talon Roll from Jango perfectly invalidates the escape route behind the cloud while offering Zam some shots into Vonreg. She luckily only generates a hit and a crit, but with Panicked Pilot, the dial on Vonreg is closed again.

The following turn–failing again to take a screenshot–Vonreg peels away from the fight with a 3 hard and Afterburners boost. Zam turns in with the hard 1 and the boost, guarding against Kylo’s engagement route. I move Kylo to engage anyway as this is probably the only time in a while he can guarantee to trade shots with Jango without them being disastrous. Well, at Range 2 Jango deals 2 damage to Kylo, who subsequently blanks out to Zam’s 2 hits. I resigned before I even remembered to fire Kylo’s torpedo, which was irrelevant. 0 – 200 tabling.

On an initial glance, I was aggressively diced, but upon further viewing of this game, it’d be safe to assume that I would have still lost. Schattenlicht picked up on my attempt to get Jango to be in the way of Zam as well as my plans for baiting with Kylo so he played accordingly. Seeing my reaction of cagey maneuvers to the sheer catastrophe that was the random element of the game, he probably knew that I wasn’t going to try to reach for freedom with Vonreg’s 4-forward or even the 1-bank. So yeah, I could have had a proper chance and maybe have this game go with my past experience of flying Kylo Vonreg against Separatist double Firespray, but my game sense isn’t on par with his. It certainly would have been more entertaining and closer if less lopsided results were present, but the dice were merely a “win more” aspect for Schattenlicht. But even supposing that I did play on his level, the “I6 Boba” effect means that I can’t negate the uncontrollable part of the game simply by the time on target of the RZ-2 A-Wing, except if that ship were almost as problematic as what the forums suggest it is. I suppose this is what the I6-culled meta experienced back when Super Kylo could run amok and unchecked, my the turntables. –Late edit: it turns out all FFG forums will be shutdown at the end of January. F.

Round 2: Tommaso (Italy)

Yoda Eta-2 Actis (66)
Patience + Sense + Autoblasters + Shield Upgrade
Obi-Wan Kenobi Eta-2 Actis (61)
Marksmanship + Autoblasters + Shield Upgrade
Anakin Skywalker Eta-2 Actis (71)
Marksmanship + Autoblasters + R7-A7 + Shield Upgrade

This is a welcome change of things becoming a little more predictable. The Jedi have Autoblasters, which mean that getting shot at them while outmaneuvered is going to have some damage inflicted. But with them spending some of their repositions in the system phase, their moves can be telegraphed and reacted to with Supernatural Reflexes. More or less, things behave how you’d expect them to. As a little bonus of this being a better matchup, Tommaso is using Shield Upgrades instead of Stealth Devices. Sure, it means the Jedi can tank a little better and are significantly better equipped to handle devices, but in our matchup, for me it means dealing damage is easier.

A game of chicken between the I6’s.

Nevertheless, despite this being a favorable matchup here, I can’t afford any mistakes. I have to plan my opening engagement, the follow through, and then the decision to persist or to disengage perfectly, as with the anticipated Sense in the list, Vonreg is almost certainly not going to live through multiple engagements. If I can use Vonreg’s limited time alive to remove Anakin however, then Sense loses a significant amount of its power even if the synergy is still there with Fine-Tuned Controls.


The previous turn might have seen Kylo plink Yoda’s shield off with a torpedo, but the real tension of the game was in the staredown between Vonreg and Anakin. Thanks to the angles of approach, if Yoda and Obi-Wan want to gun down Vonreg with Anakin, they’ll be very exposed to Kylo while not able to guarantee that Vonreg won’t overshoot Anakin. Worse still, Anakin can’t react to Kylo if they overfocus on Vonreg. This, in tandem with the fact that Vonreg is cheaper than Anakin or the combined halves of Anakin and Yoda, means that Tommasso will flinch first.

Sensing Kylo’s dial, Yoda and Obi-Wan ward off his engagement route. Even with Yoda’s failed Intuitive Controls roll and Obi’s action step boost failing from the lack of space on the board, I don’t engage. The plan was to draw the fire from Vonreg while Kylo hides such that should Anakin elect to attack, he wouldn’t be hurt too badly. It’s slightly bothersome that I have to spend a force charge to perform this diversion, but if I dialed any move with a bearing to starboard, I would have telegraphed my intentions due to Sense. But any bothering is quickly forgotten, as Anakin bumps into Obi-Wan, being even more vulnerable and exposed to the rushing undercut. Vonreg’s Range 1 Outmaneuver shot deals 2 damage to him despite rerolling a blank into a blank; Outmaneuver and boost are very good. Even with Obi-Wan half-pointing Vonreg, I’m very happy with the positioning here, especially with Anakin only having a Range 3 obstructed shot into Kylo.

-Oops, again I failed to screenshot.-

The reason why the positioning is particularly good for Vonreg is that very few moves can block his 3 turn to starboard meaningfully with that cloud. Either the gun best suited for shooting at him is doing the blocking or is taking return heat from Vonreg and/or Kylo, moreso if the nearby obstacles inflict strains along with their action denial. Yoda 4-K’s and Obi turns to block a slow manuever from Vonreg. Kylo’s Talon Roll won’t reach Yoda given the latter’s K-turn and not the anticipated Talon Roll, but a subsequent barrel roll means that Anakin has to be careful with Kylo’s attack vector. He Talon Rolls to catch Vonreg should Obi’s block work, but the Red Baron’s 3 hard and roll behind the cloud dodges all arcs but Yoda’s at Range 3 obstructed.

Clearly, a mistake was made.

At this point, I have an important decision to make with Vonreg. Either I disengage with a fast move portside in junction with the Afterburners and repeat the successful strafe from earlier, or I turn fast and hard with Vonreg after Yoda. From my position behind the cloud as well as Yoda being stressed, I assumed that Yoda knowing my 3-turn to starboard wouldn’t be able to react sufficiently to it, and thus I dialed it. Tommaso surprises me with a 3 bank from Yoda dialed, which places him very close to the gas cloud. I had in the Planning Phase assumed that the 3 bank wouldn’t allow enough space to boost, but this boost fits snugly. To double down on this good play, Obi Talon Rolls to guard against Kylo if Anakin doesn’t finish off the inevitably blocked Vonreg. Given Obi’s positioning, I can’t engage with Kylo’s dialed maneuver safely, so I reposition him out of the fight, ironically where I thought I’d trade shots with Yoda. Anakin Talon Rolls to fire at the blocked Vonreg.

With one mistake, I flipped the gamestate from heavily favoring myself to heavily favoring Tommaso. Sure, I could deal another damage to Yoda and then regain the lead and run with it, but the matchup is heavily dependent on how I play or misplay Vonreg. From a joint mistake in gauging space on the board and the related miscalling of my opponent’s move, the failure to disengage with Vonreg means that Kylo has too constrictive of a battlefield to work with. I do engage with the second torpedo flung at a single-force tokenless Yoda through the gas cloud, but I couldn’t generate the full string of hits and thus am still in need of points. It was little more than a coin flip in odds of hitting, but I took it in the chance that I could skip engaging again.

With the missed torpedo now having done more harm than good, it slides further into a game without a likely win condition. With no more 4 dice attacks left on the TIE Silencer and Yoda regaining his force, the most likely way of scoring the additional damage is a range 1 attack with full mods and hope the mods work out. But even disengage attempts are hindered by the board space denied by Obi-Wan and Anakin. 36 – 200 defeat.

This was a very good move on Tommaso’s part. His Intuitive Controls were telegraphing a 2-Talon Roll from Anakin which Kylo would have blocked. But the 4-K turn, which would have left Anakin stressed and out of position should Kylo have disengaged fully instead scores Range 1 and a barrel roll.

After the game, I began to wonder about matchup favoring relative to player skill. Meaning, if my list is favored against Tommaso’s should I play a perfect game, is it really a positive matchup? Being error-prone such as myself would actually render the matchup a rather unfavorable one, moreso with the Republic list sporting a noticeably higher tolerance of error in this matchup. The further sketchiness of the apparent advantage my list has is compounded by factors present in tournaments but absent from the pickup games which resulted in significantly more successful outcomes against the Eta-2: previous games in a tournament, the presence of stakes, player fatigue, overplaying and thus misplaying the “Princess Bride” effect of the game, etc. Ah well, good game and all the more reason to return to lists that are more forgiving. Making the correct move is more important than variance mitigation that is dependent on making the correct move.

More often than not, Princess Bride dilemmas in this game are revealed to be that both goblets, in fact, were poisoned.

Round 3: Agata (Poland)

Kylo Ren TIE/vn Silencer (81)
Advanced Optics
Major Vonreg TIE/ba Interceptor (57)
“Rush” TIE/vn Silencer (58)
Automated Target Priority

I initially considering dropping after going 0-2 to get some sleep, but I decided to stick it out. To give this list a proper goodbye, I’m going to play all the games in a tournament. Additionally, despite dropping in Enno’s tournament earlier this month, I was perplexingly listed as having played the final game. I very much appreciate the gesture of free MOV for a game that I didn’t even play, but if I’m to go 0-allthelossespossible, then I’ll do it properly with correct MOV assigned instead of guesswork, even if it is charitable.

Outmaneuver and strain stack, as any Wedge player capitalizes on.

Based purely on a matchup however, it appears that I might not go unvictorious this tournament. Agata’s list is rather good, as Kylo simply doesn’t care about the minimally increased point cost of Advanced Optics due to the card’s extreme consistency, Rush has been made a more viable option with the release of Automated Target Priority, and Daredevil is the cheapest option to make Vonreg cagey without Afterburners or a coordinate. All the same, it’s a pre-Wave 8 triple ace list. There’s only so much she can do with 3 arcs that fly like normal ships in the game while one of my ships can almost guarantee to dodge 2/3 of them. Case in point, the maneuver meant for disengaging behind the clouds to threaten a cut-in instead pre-maneuver boosts to face the outnumbering enemy silencers and overshoots them. As an extra bonus that flexes the immense misbalance on matchups moreso than player skill, the lock from my Kylo mean that a Talon Roll repositioned either before or after can pose a strong threat to her Kylo.

Agata passed off Rush’s clipping of the cloud as a mistake, and perhaps it was a mistake in gauging, but I believe that even with that knowledge it was the correct move. It is the absolute fastest way to get all guns in the fight and should Vonreg get lucky and escape the mirror, he needs all the help he can get.

Daredevil Vonreg may have a very good turning radius, but that is completely nullified if the Dark Side of a Panicked Pilot has been inflicted. With no mods from Agata’s Vonreg possible for the rest of the game, my Kylo can cheekily risk getting shot while firing an unretaliated Proton Torpedo at the enemy Kylo. Incidentally, Agata banked with her Vonreg in the hope of escaping through the gas clouds next turn, which means that he won’t have arc on my Kylo. Vonreg is killed and a torpedo is sent Kylo’s way.

Again, Advanced Optics still might be the best tech slot option for most non-munition Kylos given the amount of consistency they offer dice and the removal of irritation of the seemingly absurd number of times locks reroll blanks into blanks. Unfortunately, they don’t increase time on target. The combination of Vonreg Outmaneuvering Kylo and inflicting a Structural Damage while my Kylo performs a similar attack spell a swift end for Agata’s Kylo. Understandably, she resigns when the turn finishes. 200 – 0 victory.

Round 4: Gabor (Poland)

Sun Fac Nantex-class Starfighter (73)
Ensnare + Gravitic Deflection
Berwer Kret Nantex-class Starfighter (62)
Ensnare + Gravitic Deflection
Chertek Nantex-class Starfighter (59)
Ensnare + Gravitic Deflection

Like myself, Gabor is fielding a relic of a past meta. Whereas I am fielding cancer that was most effective when the Nantex was undercosted, he’s fielding the object of hate from last year, before the tractor rules were changed. I don’t fully understand why every one of his available components has been reskinned to be Bee Movie themed, but I do appreciate many forms of post-irony including the internet’s obsession with Jerry Seinfeld’s most confusing work yet.

I would fire the primary here as I’m not in a rush to get the torpedo off.

The first two rounds are rather cautious affairs on both our parts. Despite the changes to tractoring, Gabor’s list is far more effective than mine in this matchup at close range, especially nearby asteroids. But he’s not going to simply charge out as at mid-range and long range, his list suffers far more damage than it inflicts. However, with Kylo concerned only with Fac in a real way, I can gently nudge the development of the game state more actively than Gabor, whose very mortal non-Fac’s have a difficult task in area denying Supernatural Kylo with just their weak turrets and range-bound Ensnare. If Fac over-extends after Kylo, then Outmaneuver Vonreg can stack his damage with the tractor token to virtually guarantee damage every time he engages.

I keep forgetting to take screenshots.

Despite it being a cagey affair with both Vonreg and the Nanteces turning away from potential engagements out of fear of whatever tricks the other side has present, progress is being made. Vonreg slugs 2 damage into Fac while Koiogran Turning and board-edge-hugging Kylo’s torpedo inflicts a Disabled Power Regulator to Berwer. After Kylo fully disengages, Vonreg’s able to sneak another damage to Berwer while Fac’s positioning clogs up the options for Berwer and Chertek the following turn.

No Ensnare for you! Yes, hitting the cloud next turn is very much worth not being tractored by my opponent. [Taken after the shooting finished].

Kylo’s not able to get into engagement range with Berwer following his escape from Fac’s part of the board, but he is able to make things difficult for the Geonosian who is presented with trouble with the rock interfering with starboard engagement routes. With Vonreg rolling just out of Fac’s range 1, he trades both shields for another damage into Fac.

Gravitic Deflection is rather good.

Vonreg 5 K’s to trade shots with Fac, with no progress made by either side on that modless front. Erstwhile, Kylo dodges Chertek’s arcs and slings an unretaliated torpedo to Berwer. The bug that was hoping to catch a Vonreg disengage route and tractor him back to Fac instead receives another two points of damage from Kylo’s second torpedo. Again, with Kylo capitalizing on asteroid placement against a list that otherwise benefits from it, Berwer still can’t turn and face his main gun or Ensnare towards Kylo.

But it won’t let a Nantex live forever.

Putting distance between him and Chertek to Range 3 but not overextending into Range 1 of Berwer, Kylo and the opposing I5 trade shots. In exchange for a shield off Kylo, Berwer dies. On the other front, with Gabor’s hope of one-shotting Kylo at the other end of the board, Vonreg tanks the turret shot through the gas cloud. He in turn scores 2 very lucky damage against Chertek.

After we both jockey for position again, with Gabor trying to recoup his losses and me trying not to grant him a surprise path for victory, the I6’s face each other down. Vonreg tanks strained Fac’s turret shot while in turn finishing off the Geonosian. Even with Chertek subsequently killing Vonreg the next turn as Kylo closes in, there’s nothing my opponent can do. 200 – 68 victory.

A strong argument not to build an entire strategy around synergy with certain Age 1 wonders. Even if no synergy is pursued, it’s a neat card that can get back at players that took the wonders with residual effects while leaving the ones that just score 1-time bonuses.

Concluding thoughts:

2-2 and with 768 MOV, I was smack middle of the field of 20 players in 10th place. As stated before, I don’t doubt that this loadout of SuperKylo and Vonreg still has legs, but that’s for players more skilled and aware than myself. The changes and expansions to the game mean that in many matchups perfect games have to be played, which I’m not capable of in tournament settings, let alone consistently. Sure, the most skilled double Firesprays will be at top tables and they will be matchup dodged upon the first loss, but there are lists that give mine trouble in the tables below, such as Eta-2 heavy lists. Even if I were to suddenly get better at the game and become more capable of dealing with these matchups, the loss of easily my favorite attribute of the list–the outright rejection of a large part of variance’s role in the game–is a bit much. As of now, it’s a relic of a wacky time in the meta where it was very viable due to an incomprehensibly massive cock up in costing–which bizarrely few were initially concerned with. It was a bit of fun all around, especially for the two good runs it had both at Ryloth and at the early Wave 8 state of things at the Lima Open.

Perchance. But I won’t ever completely.

I’ll still play with SuperKylo Vonreg in a few pickup games, just as I on occasion play SuperKylo + Quickdraw + TIE/FO. I’m always looking for new ways to play with Supernatural Kylo competitively and he never seems to be eliminated for good, no doubt as a result of him being such a good gamepiece that is waiting for a great wingmate(s). Perhaps the Nightbuzzard can fill that role later on, combining some of the durability offered by the Upsilon with some of the time on target offered by the TIE/SF and the TIE/BA. Although First Order is probably getting a dedicated munition carrier/bomber before it gets something akin to a Sith Infiltrator. For now, it’s time to move on to things both in and out of the faction that are far better suited to deal with the current environment. It’ll suck not being able to quickly pinpoint exactly when, where, and how I lost a game, but I’m getting better at seeing my mistakes so after I’m done complaining about bad variance streaks, subsequent analysis can help inform me of my errors that were more at fault (a la Corellia and Dathomir with Kylo + Tavson + Holo).

That will do it for now. Before I set off to finish tweaking some of my new special sauce for Enno’s New Year’s tournament, I will do a year in review. This blog’s first and foremost purpose has been for clearing my mind on X-Wing related matters and helping me get better at the game, so I hope my near-year old Excel document tracking stats for what lists/archetypes and their tournament performances wasn’t a total waste of time. I also will use that as an opportunity to voice my unwarranted opinions on how the X-Wing community can handle the transition by Asmodee of Star Wars miniatures from FFG to AMG.

-Later edit: The bit about the transition will include my unqualified thoughts on the unfortunate dismantling of all of FFG’s forums in late January. Also later edit, I flew 2 games as Jango + Zam to better get a feel of what its players seek out of a game: Jango is more subtle to fly than Boba and that only deepens my respect for Schattenlicht and Calitoolman for being the Round 4 mirror match top table. Although that doesn’t all too much surprise me since Calitoolman is one of the world’s best Boba players and my single pickup match win against him had been very largely lucky and both my pickup match losses to him were very much deserved. From my experience of Jango, he burns down A-Wings comically faster than his most notable clone (thanks, Slave 1, Thermal Detonators, Autoblasters, Count Dooku, and Contraband Cybernetics!), but he can’t handle burst damage with a reinforce like said clone (curse you, Wedge, munitions, and 4 dice attacks!). 1 action per turn forces you to think at least 2 turns in advance against a lot of things, especially those instances of burst damage that have to be mitigated. Haven’t used the ability yet, but I don’t doubt in the slightest that it’s good against white and red-maneuver prone things.-

2 thoughts on “Goodbye, Old Friend. May the Force Be With You

  1. Reading this made me sad. Letting beloved lists go always feels hard. But I totally get your point. The current meta is no place for 2 ship ace archetypes. You have to fly flawless (even in good matchups) for 3+ games which is nearly impossible (at least for me). This is why I am tending to put Guri/Fenn back in the shelf because I am not sure if I can do well with it…
    I’m also tired of playing online all the time.


    1. Once chonk boi 2 ship lists, as well as deep-bidding triple ace lists, are pushed back, double aces can become a little easier. I never intended this post to be sad, but more of some closure for a high skill ceiling list whose ceiling hadn’t been reached. It was a product of its Spamtex era, and having this list not be oppressive is actually a minor side effect to the boon that is proper costing for the Nantex.


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